
Showing posts from 2017

The Early Music Consort of London a Vicenza - 1974

A Treasury of Early Music Thanks to Stefano Dal Cortivo  for the above link The following is in Italian as an English version is unavailable at present Published on 12 Feb 2017 Musica alle corti d’Inghilterra dai Plantageneti agli Stuart. Il programma, come dice il titolo, ha una sua precisa qualificazione. Si tratta di musiche fra il XII e il XVII secolo, eseguite in Inghilterra alle Corti di Riccardo I, Enrico V, Enrico VIII, Elisabetta I, Giacomo I e Carlo I. Ricorrono così, accanto ai nomi degli strumenti antichi - quali il liuto, la viola da gamba, la tromba medievale, il cromorno, la ribeca, la citola, la dulciana, il cembalo, ecc. - i nomi delle celebri dinastie inglesi quali Tudor, Stuart, Plantageneti e Lancaster. E tra gli autori spiccano proprio alcuni Sovrani che scrissero musiche eseguite poi nelle feste a Corte. Infatti di Carlo I Stuart avremo l'aria «Guarda la p

The Semibrevity Article

Semibrevity is an important blog on the early pioneers of Early Music. See Guest Blogger: Peter Dickinson is a composer, writer and pianist and an Emeritus Professor of two universities – Keele and London. See here for more details. ‘My wife and I first met David and Gill Munrow in Cambridge in about 1965. It was summer and we were all in the garden at 54 Bateman Street, the home of Mary Potts, whose late husband was L. J. Potts, the literary critic and English don at Queens’ College. Mary Potts had a very special role in the early music revival which has not been acknowledged [other than in this Semibrevity blog post ]. A mere mention of her more distinguished pupils, who included Christopher Hogwood , Colin Tilney and Peter Williams, is enough to indicate that she ought to be better known now. She knew harpsichordists of international reputation such as