The Breen Project


PhD Student

Music Department
King's College London
Strand Campus

Thesis Title

The performance practice of David Munrow and The Early Music Consort of London


Edward Breen trained as countertenor and has taught at Trinity College of Music and Morley College. He is also a music researcher for BBC Four. His PhD at King’s College, London, ‘The Performance Practice of David Munrow and the Early Music Consort of London’, combines a close reading of the recorded history of this ensemble with a wide ranging oral history project testing the claims of the early music revival against their discography to reveal the roots of many modern standards in early music performance.


Daniel Leech-Wilkinson

Selected publications

  • Morrow, Munrow and Medieval Music: Understanding their influences and practice. Early Music Performer (Nov 2011)
  • Practising research in Performance: Beethoven’s chamber Music. (News & Reports) Early Music Performer (March 2010) Amy Blier-Carruthers and Edward Breen
  • David Munrow: Thoughts on vibrato and a glimpse into his record collection. York University (2009)
Conference Papers & Public Lectures
  • Keeping Landini off the Streets. Medieval & Renaissance Music Conference July 2013, Certaldo, Italy.
  • Travel in Space, Travel in Time: Michael Morrow's approach to performing Medieval Music in the 1960s. King’s College, London (2013): Visual Medievalisms
  • The Loud Middle Ages. RIdM Study Day (2011): Sight, Sound and semantics: The Representation and Symbolism of Musical Performance in Western Art
  • David Munrow & Michael Morrow. The British Library (2011): Edison Lecture
  • David Munrow: Thoughts on Vibrato and a glimpse into his record collection. National Early Music Association International Conference, in association with the University of York Music Department and the York Early Music Festival (2009): Singing music from 1500 to 1900: style, technique, knowledge, assertion, experiment
Music Journalism
  • The Gramophone. The anniversary of Victoria:,0
  • Musical Criticism. William Byrd Edition review:


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