Before the BBC Genome Project

Blogger Ref

Before the BBC Genome Project which gives comprehensive listings of programme both auditory, and visual I used a far less adequate approach to get a listing of Pied Piper Programme. The following is reproduced again from one of my posts in the David Munrow Forum run by David Griffiths.

  • « on: December 19, 2011, 04:22:37 PM »

    I have been examining the online British Museum archive collection. It appears the Pied Piper Series maybe complete BUT you have to put a search word such as David Munrow Pied Piper Mexico, David Munrow Pied Piper Edgar Elgar, David Munrow Pied Piper Dance...In other words, you cannot simply put in Pied Piper David Munrow, and come up with the whole series with their subtitles! This makes things a bit complicated!

    The following are examples of notes made on particular series themes...

    1. Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male) ;
    unidentified (speaker, male ; presenter)
    Subjects: Western art music and dance
    Item: "Music to be danced to or dances to be listened to? David Munrow follows the gradual sophistication of the minuet, courante, gig and other dances as they progressed from the ballroom to the concert hall." (Radio Times). Includes musical examples

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0016247 BD9-BD14 NSA

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    2.Title: Pied Piper - Street music
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male ; presenter)
    Recording: Originally broadcast in the 1970s;
    Item: Munrow presents programme of recordings of street music from throughout world

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0014923 BD3 NSA; 1CDR0016186 BD2-BD13 NSA

    3. Title: Pied Piper - Berlioz part 1
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker)
    Item: A re-broadcast on BBC radio, 28th July 1986. Originally broadcast in the 1970s

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0014921 BD1 NSA

    4.Title: Pied Piper - Guillaume Dufay part 1
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker)
    Item: A re-broadcast on BBC radio, 20th August 1979. Originally broadcast in the 1970s

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0014924 BD1 NSA

    5.Title: Pied Piper - Musical instruments played in Egypt today
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker)
    Item: A re-broadcast on BBC radio, 7th August 1979. Originally broadcast in the 1970s

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0014922 BD2 NSA

    6.Title: Pied Piper - The trombone part 3
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker)
    Item: A re-broadcast on BBC radio, 14th August 1986. Originally broadcast in the 1970s

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0014923 BD1 NSA

    7.Title: Pied Piper - Victorian musical life part 4
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker)
    Item: A re-broadcast on BBC radio, 20th July 1979. Originally broadcast in the 1970s

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0014920 BD3 NSA

    8.Title: Pied Piper - The waltz, polka and can-can
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker)
    Item: A re-broadcast on BBC radio, 12th September 1986. Originally broadcast in the 1970s

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0014922 BD3 NSA

    9.Title: Pied Piper - Some musical interpretations of ancient Egypt from Handel opera to Hollywood spectacular
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker)
    Item: A re-broadcast on BBC radio, 6th August 1979. Originally broadcast in the 1970s

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0014922 BD1 NSA

    10.Title: Pied Piper - Mexico part 2
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker)
    Item: A re-broadcast on BBC radio, 10th July 1979. Originally broadcast in the 1970s

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0014919 BD2 NSA

    11.Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male ; presenter)
    Item: David Munrow continues his dissection of Elgar's Enigma variations with "Nimrod" and "Dorabella", and contrasts them with some musical caricature by Purcell and Wagner (Radio Times)

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0016189 BD2-BD8 NSA

    12.Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male ; presenter)
    Subjects: Folk songs and music
    Recording: BBC Radio 3 broadcast recording, 21 August 1986, a repeat from the early 1970's;
    Item: This episode of the series concerns traditional music: rustic entertainment and songs (ballads as news), French pipes, bagpipes, hurdygurdy, concertina, accordion, 101 key showman organ. Music from various locations given as examples;
    Duration: 19 min. 30 sec.

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0015259 BD15-21 NSA

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    13.Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (Presenter, M.)
    Subjects: Dancing ; Folk dances
    Item: This episode of the series deals with the intrusion of English country dances into the 18th-century ballroom

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0016446 BD2 NSA

    14.Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male ; presenter)
    Recording: BBC Radio 3 broadcast recording, 4 August 1986;
    Item: "In 1840 Robert Schumann married Clara Wieck. David Munrow tells the tender story of their love and the effect it had on Schumann's music" (Radio Times)

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0015244 BD12-16 NSA

    15.Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male ; presenter)
    Subjects: Westminster Abbey
    Item: Munrow presents selection of "Westminster Abbey's musical life before the Civil War." (Radio Times)

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0016011 BD2-BD14 NSA

    16.Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male ; presenter)
    Subjects: Rites and ceremonies - Music
    Item: Munrow on music of pageantry and royal ceremonial;
    Duration: 19 min. 25 sec.

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0016181 BD2-BD14 NSA

    17.Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male ; presenter)
    Subjects: Trombones
    Recording: The programme has inadvertently been cut short

    Recording: BBC Radio 3 broadcast recording, 11 August 1986, a repeat from the early 1970's;
    Item: This episode of the series concerns the trombone and its history from sackbut through medieval trumpets, and early slide trumpet. Performance with voices;
    Duration: 19 min. 24 sec.

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0015259 BD7-12 NSA

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    18.Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male)
    Recording: First broadcast by BBC Radio 3, 13th August 1971; this is a rebroadcast on BBC Radio 3, 24th July 1986;
    Item: David Munrow talks about the musical establishments of the Chapel Royal and the Collegiate Church of Westminster in the times of John Blow and of Henry Purcell. In the course of his talk he uses short excerpts from the following works: Blow, John. Voluntaries, organ, S55 (for the cornet stop).- Purcell, Henry: They that go down to the sea in ships; March and canzona, trumpets (4), Z860, F minor. March (March from the funeral music for Queen Mary).- Blow, John. God spake sometime in visions.- Croft, William. Gavottes, harpsichord, E minor

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0016006 BD2-9 NSA

    Links Listen on SoundServer terminals in the Library's reading rooms 
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    19.Title: Pied piper
    Author: [no author]
    Munrow, David, 1942-1976 (speaker, male ; presenter)
    Recording: BBC Radio 3 broadcast recording, 8 August 1986;
    Item: "First songs, then symphonies - all part of the flood of music inspired by Schumann's marriage to Clara" (Radio Times)

    Shelfmark(s): 1CDR0015244 BD7-11 NSA


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